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The Fast Track Pathway to CCT as UK Consultant: Parallel or Serial Medical Career Paths


The truth of the matter is that training to become a medical consultant takes many years. Starting from medical school, it typically requires at least 15 years in the best-case scenario (Fig 1), though this is rarely the case. Between life events, identifying your specialist interest, and building a portfolio for your chosen specialty, the […]

The Fast Track Pathway to CCT as UK Consultant: Parallel or Serial Medical Career Paths Read More »

Did I Really Fail My First ARCP? Understanding UK Annual Training Performance Review


I had my first ARCP (Annual Review of Competency Progression) for my ST3 vascular training post in June 2024. This review came 10 months into my training and two months before my next placement. Naturally, I was anxious and eager to receive an outcome 1, which signifies satisfactory progress. Unfortunately, I wasn’t so lucky; instead,

Did I Really Fail My First ARCP? Understanding UK Annual Training Performance Review Read More »

Failed the MRCS Part B? How I Changed My Strategy and Passed My Resit


First things first, my previous study strategy needed to be revised if I was to secure a passing grade on the MRCS part B resit. Despite falling by a narrow margin, it still wasn’t a pass, and I knew I required significant improvement. My first attempt was very independent, with minimal conferring. However, recognising the

Failed the MRCS Part B? How I Changed My Strategy and Passed My Resit Read More »

How can we increase global surgery and collaboration with Africa


I’m thrilled to share insights from our recent publication, “Catalysing global surgery: a meta-research study on factors affecting surgical research collaborations with Africa.” The study was published in BMC Systematic Reviews and is a testament to my passion for enhancing global surgical collaboration, particularly with African institutions. The backdrop of our study is the stark

How can we increase global surgery and collaboration with Africa Read More »

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